Dr. Jane Foraker-Thompson, Moira Edmunds

פורסם: 11.02.12, 1:06 am

Field of reference: Sociology, Education

Description: A change of heart and in how children are raised is required in order to change society

“There must be a change of heart within the people, a change of attitude and practice within individuals at local level and, above all, in how children are raised and trained. Only in that way can society be changed. And societies can change direction; they can improve. Human change is not always for the better. Change is not always positive, but it can be! With dedication and will, society can change for the better for everyone. It depends on the vision and the commitment of the people.”

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, השפעת הסביבה, 2. סביבה מחברת
להשאיר תגובה |

Dr. Carl Rogers

פורסם: 11.02.12, 1:02 am

Field of reference: Education, Psychology

Description: A supportive environment allows learning which changes the self.

"Learning which involves a change in self-organization, or the perception of the self, is threatening, and tends to be resisted. The self includes one's values, beliefs, and basic attitudes, and when these are questioned they are defended. To recognize that something new and different may be better, that one is behind in things or inferior in some way, or inadequate, is defended against.Those learnings which are threatening to the self are more easily perceived and assimilated when external threats are at a minimum. Pressure, ridicule, shaming, and so on, increase resistance. But an accepting, understanding, supportive environment removes or decreases threat and fear and allows the learner to take a few steps or to try something and experience some success."

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, השפעת הסביבה, 2. סביבה מחברת
להשאיר תגובה |

Dr. Stanislav Grof

פורסם: 11.02.12, 12:59 am

Field of reference: Sociology, Psychology

Description: The global crisis is essentially a psycho-spiritual crisis that demands a new level of awareness and emotional maturity.

"Diplomatic negotiations, administrative and legal measures, economic and social sanctions, military interventions, and other similar efforts have had very little success; as a matter of fact, they have often produced more problems than they solved. It is becoming increasingly clear why they had to fail. The strategies used to alleviate this crisis are rooted in the same ideology that created it in the first place. In the last analysis, the current global crisis is basically a psychospiritual crisis; it reflects the level of consciousness evolution of the human species. It is, therefore, hard to imagine that it could be resolved without a radical inner transformation of humanity on a large scale and its rise to a higher level of emotional maturity and spiritual awareness."

Link to the article

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, השפעת הסביבה, 2. סביבה מחברת
להשאיר תגובה |

Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay

פורסם: 11.02.12, 12:57 am

Field of reference: Sociology

Description: Empathy a requisite for developing a stable global society.

"Asked what a more universal civilization would look like, Dr. Tremblay answers the following:
“First and foremost, the scope of human empathy would be more universal and more comprehensive, and would not merely apply to some chosen people, to members of a particular religion or to persons belonging to a particular civilization. In practice, this would require that we establish a higher threshold of human morality, beyond the traditional norm of the Golden Rule (“Treat others as you would have others treat you.”) It would require that we adopt what I call a Super Golden Rule of humanist morality that incorporates the humanist rule of empathy: “Not only do to others as you would have them do to you, but also, do to others what you would wish to be done to you, if you were in their place.” — Of course, the corollary also follows: “Don’t do to others what you would not like to be done to you, if you were in their place.”
Dr. Tremblay does not believe that we currently live in such a global civilization. “My best hope, he says, “is that we will avoid falling back into an age of obscurantism and of decadence, and that we will be able to build a truly humanist civilization for the future.”
To reach that new level of global ethics, we may need nothing less than a moral revolution in our thinking, a new moral norm, a global moral revolution, to fit the modern problems we are facing today and in the future. Such a moral revolution may even be needed for our own biological survival as a species.
In general terms, let me say that I firmly believe that we should adopt the simple but somewhat revolutionary idea that we are living on the same small planet and that we should attempt to survive on this planet as members of the same human race."

Link to the article

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, השפעת הסביבה, 2. סביבה מחברת
להשאיר תגובה |

Dr. Margaret Wheatley

פורסם: 11.02.12, 12:53 am

Field of reference: Sociology

Description: The first steps to initiating beneficial societal development   begins by connecting through conversation

“When this book was first published in 2002, I made a rash statement: "I believe we can change the world if we start listening to one another again." I still believe this. I still believe that if we turn to one another, if we begin talking with each other - especially with those we call stranger or enemy - then this world can reverse its darkening direction and change for the good. And I know with all my heart that the only way the world will change is if many more of us step forward, let go of our judgments, become curious about each other, and take the risk to begin a conversation.

Our twenty-first-century world is descending into aggression, fear, and separation. War, genocide, violence, slavery, pandemics, poverty, natural disasters - all these are commonplace in this new century, despite most people's deep longing to live together in peace.

What are we going to do about this? What role do we choose to play? Do we withdraw and hope at least to live a satisfying private life? Or do we turn to one another and do what we can to birth a healthy future?”

Link to the article

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, השפעת הסביבה, 2. סביבה מחברת
להשאיר תגובה |