Dr. James Lovelock

פורסם: 10.02.12, 6:09 am

Field of reference: Ecology

Description: Humanity is on the verge of collapsing the eco-system, and then following it in collapse

"Most people are aware that human behavior is damaging the environment. This damage has now become dangerous - In many areas we are approaching the tipping point that will lead to collapse of ecosystems. Most importantly, since humans evolved from Nature, we thus depend upon Nature for survival, as it is the source of all our food, air and water. If the natural systems that support life on earth collapse then humanity is going to collapse."

Link to the article

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, משבר, 2. לראשונה גלובלי


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