Paul Johnson

פורסם: 8.02.12, 9:06 am

Field of reference: Politics, Sociology

Description: Lack of trust in modern society on a universal scale

"The world is groaning beneath a mountain of debt, but that's not the real problem. History shows repeatedly that debt can quickly be paid off once confidence is restored and men and women set to work with a will. But for that to happen we must have trust in those who lead us.

Trust is missing. We do not trust--and with good reason--either our elected leaders or the corporate elite who constitute the top echelons of society. Seldom in modern history has the lack of trust, now verging on contempt, been so deep, universal and comprehensive.

Today the word "banker" is a pejorative term. Local managers are anonymous persons held in low regard. City of London magnates are suspect figures. Bankers are associated with unrestrained greed, recklessness and professional incompetence. It would be hard to think of another group that has fallen so fast and so far in public esteem."

Link to the article


שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, התפתחות האגו, 4. יאוש וניכור


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