BBC Horizon

פורסם: 22.03.12, 5:13 am

Field of reference: Biology

Description: Our environment affects our genes, and so we're not responsible only for ourselves, but also for every generation after us. A stressful or polluted environment causes unhealthy genetic mutations in offsprings for many generations.

“After the tragic events of September 11th 2001, Rachel Yehuda, a psychologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, studied the effects of stress on a group of women who were inside or near the World Trade Center and were pregnant at the time. Produced in conjunction with Jonathan Seckl, an Edinburgh doctor, her results suggest that stress effects can pass down generations. Meanwhile research at Washington State University points to toxic effects like exposure to fungicides or pesticides causing biological changes in rats that persist for at least four generations. This work is at the forefront of a paradigm shift in scientific thinking. It will change the way the causes of disease are viewed, as well as the importance of lifestyles and family relationships. What people do no longer just affects themselves, but can determine the health of their children and grandchildren in decades to come.”

Link to the video

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, השפעת הסביבה, 4. תוצר הסביבה


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