Wikipedia - Weightlessness / General Relativity
Field of reference: Physics
Description: Freely falling objects (i.e. particles moving purely under the force of gravity will "feel" no "pressure", they will not be squeezed, etc. Likewise, a free falling spce shuttle will not "feel" gravity until igniting its thrusts ... If it follows "nature" it will feel nothing. It will only start expriencing resistance once it departures/deviate from the "natural" motion, i.e. the force of gravitation. This was a key insight that led Einstein to discover the general theory of relativity (GR)
"Einstein's theory suggests that it actually is valid to consider that objects in inertial motion (such as falling in elevator, or in a parabola in an airplane, or orbiting planet) can indeed be considered to experience a local loss of the gravitational field responsible for their general motion."
שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, הטבע, 3. איזון עם הטבע |
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