Richard Heinberg

פורסם: 10.02.12, 2:10 pm

Field of reference: Economics

Description: Economic growth is over, we have to adopt new values

“We all got hooked on growth. Rising GDP numbers became our main measure of success. ‘More, bigger and faster’ meant ‘better.’”

“We’re all addicted to growth. We all want better jobs and higher returns on investments. But we live on a finite planet.

The end of growth is not the fault of any one politician or a political party, but some people benefited from growth more than others.”

“We can live without economic growth, but we’ll have to start doing a few things differently:

“We have to measure and aim for improvements in life that don’t require increasing our consumption of fossil fuels and other depleting resources, or piling on more debt.

“Freedom, being with the people we love, good health and the time to enjoy it, a secure happy community.”

Link to the video

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, משבר, 3. צמצום צריכה


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