Dr. Martin Woodhead
פורסם: 9.02.12, 3:52 am
Field of reference: Education
Description: Building a safe nurturing environment develops compassionate character traits
"Developing personal identity is a dynamic process embedded in the child’s multiple activities and relationships in everyday settings at home, in the community and at preschool. Identity is best described as constructed, co-constructed and reconstructed by the child through his or her interactions with parents, teachers, peers and others. These dynamic processes include imitation and identification in shared activities, including imaginative role-play (Göncü, 1999). Non-verbal communication, dialogue and, later, text and electronic media are all key resources for constructing children’s sense of who
they are in relation to others."
שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, השפעת הסביבה, 4. תוצר הסביבה |
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