Dr. Hwang, Kyung-sig

פורסם: 8.02.12, 8:35 am

Field of reference: History, Ecology

Description: Where is our development leading to/to what purpose. Cause & effects & responsibility

"Argument from humble ignorance
Some of the difficulties of relying the preferences of future generations stem from our present ignorance particularly as we project to futures that are increasingly remote, we do not know what effect our actions will have on them, or even how they will care.[17] Even if we set aside such factual ignorance, serious problems of value remain. Obligations to future generations are essentially an obligation to produce a desirable state of affairs for the community of the future to promote conditions of good living for future generations. But is our conception of the good life for man relevant to future generation?

 While our ability to affect the future is immense, our ability to foresee the results of our environmental interventions is not. I think that our moral responsibility grows with foresight. And yet, paradoxically in some cases grave moral responsibility is entailed by the fact of one's ignorance. If the planetary life-support system appears to be complex and mysterious, humble ignorance should indicate respect and restraint. However, as many life scientists have complained, these virtues have not been apparent in these generations. Instead they point out, we have boldly marched ahead, shredding delicate ecosystems and obliterating countless species, and with them the unique genetic codes that evolved through millions of years; we have altered the climate and even the chemistry of the atmosphere, and as a result of all this-what?[18]"

Link to the article

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, התפתחות האגו, 4. יאוש וניכור


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