Dr. William H. McNeill, Dr. Robert McNeill

פורסם: 4.02.12, 2:37 am

Field of reference: History

Description: Communication has increased the unification of the world into a cosmopolitan web of competition and cooperation.

"This synthesis of world history from the days of isolated hunter-gatherer communities to the present electronically connected cosmopolitan, interconnected world shows that all of humanity today lives in a "unitary maelstrom of cooperation and competition," and that the global spread of ideas, information, and experience "constitute[s] the overarching structure of human history."

Link to the article

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, תלות הדדית, 1. מערכת אינטגרלית
להשאיר תגובה |

Dr. Ulrich Beck

פורסם: 4.02.12, 2:34 am

Field of reference: Sociology

Description: What globality means for us.

"Globality means that from now on nothing which happens on our planet is only a limited local event; all inventions, victories and catastrophes affect the whole world, and we must reorient and reorganize our lives and actions, our organizations and institutions, along a 'local-global' axis."


שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, תלות הדדית, 1. מערכת אינטגרלית
להשאיר תגובה |

Dr. Ulrich Beck

פורסם: 4.02.12, 2:31 am

Field of reference: Sociology

Description: Reasons for irreversible globality.

"What is it that makes globality irreversible?
Eight reasons may be given under the following headings:

1) The geographical expansion and ever greater density of international trade, as well as the global networking of finance markets and the growing power of transnational corporations.
2) The ongoing revolution of information and communications technology
3) The universal demand for human rights - the principle of democracy.
4) The stream of images from the global culture industries.
5) The emergence of a postnational, polycentric world politics, in which transnational actors (corporations, non-governmental organization, united nations) are growing in power and number alongside governments
6) The question of world poverty
7) The issue of global environmental destruction.
8) Trans-cultural conflicts in one and the same place."



שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, תלות הדדית, 1. מערכת אינטגרלית
להשאיר תגובה |

Sir Norman Angell

פורסם: 4.02.12, 1:57 am

Field of reference: Sociology, Biology

Description: The author states that neither the individual nor the nation is  the complete organism. without cooperation with other individuals and nations they will not survive

"The individual in his sociological aspect is not the complete organism. He who attempts to live without association with his fellows dies. Nor is the nation the complete organism. If Britain attempted to live without cooperation with other nations, half the population would starve. The completer the cooperation, the greater the vitality; the more imperfect the cooperation, the less the vitality. Now, a body, the various parts of which are so interdependent that without coordination vitality is reduced or death ensues, must be regarded, in so far as the functions in question are concerned, not as a collection of rival organisms, but as one. This is in accord with what we know of the character of living organisms in their conflict with environment. The higher the organism, the greater the elaboration and interdependence of its part, the greater the need for coordination.
 If we take this as the reading of the biological law, the whole thing becomes plain; man's irresistible drift away from conflict and towards cooperation is but the completer adaptation of the organism (man) to its environment (the planet, wild nature), resulting in a more intense vitality."

Link to the book

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, תלות הדדית, 2. התחשבות זה בזה
להשאיר תגובה |

Dr. Peter Dicken

פורסם: 4.02.12, 1:07 am

Field of reference: Economics

Description: By 1914 we were thoroughly globalized economically.

"By 1914, there was hardly a village or town anywhere on the globe whose prices were not influenced by distant foreign markets, whose infrastructure was not financed by foreign capital, whose engineering, manufacturing, and even business skills were not imported from abroad, or whose labour markets were not influenced by the absence of those who had emigrated or by the presence of strangers who had immigrated. The economic connections were intimate. 
Many of the things we use in our daily lives are derived more and more from an increasingly complex geography of production, distribution and consumption, whose scale has become, if not totally global, at least vastly more extensive, and whose choreography has become increasingly intricate."


שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, תלות הדדית, 1. מערכת אינטגרלית
להשאיר תגובה |