Dr. David Bohm

פורסם: 17.02.12, 7:45 am

Field of reference: Physics

Description: Our thoughts are shared and affected by the thoughts of others.We are all 'one thought process',A corporation has many departments, each of which is meaningless without outside the organization of the corporation.There is a systemic fault in our 'unified thought system' which, seemingly, cannot be corrected from within this unified system, but only from outside it, because everything inside is affected by the fault (kind of like a computer virus which affects the whole system)

"What I mean by 'thought' is the whole thing — thought, 'felt', the body, the whole society sharing thoughts — it's all one process. It is essential for me not to break that up, because it's all one process; somebody else's thought becomes my thought, and vice versa. Therefore it would be wrong and misleading to break it up into my thought, your thought, my feelings, these feelings, those feelings. I would say that thought makes what is often called in modern language a system. A system means a set of connected things or parts. But the way people commonly use the word nowadays it means something all of whose parts are mutually interdependent — not only for their mutual action, but for their meaning and for their existence. A corporation is organized as a system — it has this department, that department, that department... they don't have any meaning separately; they only can function together. And also the body is a system. Society is a system in some sense. And so on.Now, I say that this system has a fault in it — a 'systematic fault'. It is not a fault here, there or here, but it is a fault that is all throughout the system. Can you picture that? It is everywhere and nowhere. You may say "I see a problem here, so I will bring my thoughts to bear on this problem". But "my" thought is part of the system. It has the same fault as the fault I'm trying to look at, or a similar fault.Thought is constantly creating problems that way and then trying to solve them. But as it tries to solve them it makes it worse because it doesn’t notice that it's creating them, and the more it thinks, the more problems it creates."

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, הטבע, 1. רמת קשר
להשאיר תגובה |

Howard Rheingold

פורסם: 17.02.12, 7:42 am

Field of reference: Biology, Sociology, Neuroscience

Description: Howard Rheingold (writer,critic, lecturer at Berkeley and Stanford) talks about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action -- and how Wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group.

"Here is the old story -- we've already heard a little bit about it: biology is war in which only the fiercest survive; businesses and nations succeed only by defeating, destroying and dominating competition;politics is about your side winning at all costs. But I think we can see the very beginnings of a new story beginning to emerge. It's a narrative spread across a number of different disciplines, in which cooperation, collective action and complex interdependencies play a more important role. And the central, but not all-important, role of competition and survival of the fittest shrinks just a little bit to make room."

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, הטבע, 1. רמת קשר
להשאיר תגובה |

Dr. Martin Nowak

פורסם: 17.02.12, 7:39 am

Field of reference: Biology, Math

Description: RSA talk on how evolution is based on cooperation, rather than competition

"Martin Nowak, one of the world’s experts on evolution and game theory, working here with bestselling science writer Roger Highfield, turns an important aspect of evolutionary theory on its head to explain why cooperation, not competition, has always been the key to the evolution of complexity. He offers a new explanation for the origin of life and a new theory for the origins of language, biology’s second greatest information revolution after the emergence of genes."

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, הטבע, 1. רמת קשר
להשאיר תגובה |

Dr. Martin Nowak

פורסם: 17.02.12, 7:37 am

Field of reference: Biology, Math

Description: Evolution is based on cooperation, rather than competition

"Martin Nowak, one of the world’s experts on evolution and game theory, working here with bestselling science writer Roger Highfield, turns an important aspect of evolutionary theory on its head to explain why cooperation, not competition, has always been the key to the evolution of complexity. He offers a new explanation for the origin of life and a new theory for the origins of language, biology’s second greatest information revolution after the emergence of genes."

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, הטבע, 1. רמת קשר
להשאיר תגובה |

Wikipedia - Phase Transition

פורסם: 17.02.12, 7:32 am

Field of reference: Physics

Description: Second-order phase transitions are common phenomena in e.g. condensed matter physics, particle physics, early-universe physics, etc. By its very definition, a "phase" refers to the global state of a system, or a sub-system, but obviously not to individual particles. In second order phase transition, as one gets closer to the phase-transition point sub-systems begin to feel larger and larger portions of the systems and align themselves with the part of the system that they are correlated with in such a manner that the entropy is maximized and the energy is minimized. The "correlation length" becomes infinite at the transition point, i.e. each sub-system "feels" the rest of the system in its entirety.

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, הטבע, 1. רמת קשר
להשאיר תגובה |
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