Dr. Richard Wilkinson, Dr. Kate Pickett

פורסם: 10.02.12, 9:57 am

Field of reference: Economics, Sociology

Description: Unequal Societies = People Being More Self Interested, Less Public Spirited, Less Concerned With The Common Good

“Because inequality increases status competition, it also increases consumerism. People in more unequal societies work longer hours because money seems even more important.”

“Because inequality harms the quality of social relations (increasing violence, reducing trust, cohesion and involvement in community life), people become more self-interested, less public spirited, less concerned with the common good.”

Link to the article

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, התפתחות האגו, 4. יאוש וניכור


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