The Telegraph

פורסם: 22.03.12, 5:10 am

Field of reference: Psychology, Sociology

Description: The story of a feral child who was brought up by a pack of dogs.

“For five years, Oxana Malaya lived with dogs and survived on raw meat and scraps. When she was found she was running around on all fours barking. Elizabeth Grice hears her incredible story. She bounds along on all fours through long grass, panting towards water with her tongue hanging out. When she reaches the tap she paws at the ground with her forefeet, drinks noisily with her jaws wide and lets the water cascade over her head. Up to this point, you think the girl could be acting - but the moment she shakes her head and neck free of droplets, exactly like a dog when it emerges from a swim, you get a creepy sense that this is something beyond imitation. Then, she barks. The furious sound she makes is not like a human being pretending to be a dog. It is a proper, chilling, canine burst of aggression and it is coming from the mouth of a young woman, dressed in T-shirt and shorts. This is 23-year-old Oxana Malaya reverting to behaviour she learnt as a young child when she was brought up by a pack of dogs on a rundown farm in the village of Novaya Blagoveschenka, in the Ukraine.”

Link to the article

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, השפעת הסביבה, 4. תוצר הסביבה


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