Drs. Jerry Suls, René Martin, Ladd Wheeler

פורסם: 21.03.12, 9:05 am

Field of reference: Psychology

Description: Comparing ourselves to society is a pervasive social phenomenon that affects our core psychological being

“Two decades of research have shown that social comparisons are more complex and that people play a more active role in making use of comparison information than initially thought. Concepts from social cognition, emotion research, cognitive psychology, self theory, and the study of naturalistic experience have yielded insights into the process of social comparison and the motives that underlie it. Comparing the self with others, either intentionally or unintentionally, is a pervasive social phenomenon. Perceptions of relative standing can influence many outcomes, including a person’s self-concept, level of aspiration, and feelings of wellbeing (i.e., subjective well-being).”

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, התפתחות האגו, 3. קנאה וכבוד


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