Dr. Noel Charlton

פורסם: 21.02.12, 11:56 am

Field of reference: Ecology

Description: Human beings need a change of attitude (a spiritual change internally) to attain intrinsic value of the whole

"Equal intrinsic value
implies species egalitarianism: all beings, of whatever species, have equal value in themselves for what they are. This is distinguished from any instrumental or use-value they may have to other beings. Thus, humans may only interfere with other beings “at vital need”, not just to satisfy their desires. Even non-living beings (rivers, mountains) have intrinsic value. There is no gradation of intrinsic value - it is absolute.Deep relationship with the world
Naess distinguishes ‘deep’ from ‘shallow’ or technical fix approaches to ecological issues. We need a deep change of attitude, a spiritual change to our inner selves. We are part of nature. Responsible ways of living are more conducive to truly human goals than the present destructive lifestyles. Deep questioning is a process of examining our beliefs and then engaging with others who differ. Deep questions are about quality of living, about “feeling good”, we should “worry about essentials”. “Quality of life is nothing - absolutely nothing - to do with what you have; everything to do with how you feel about it”.
Self realization
- “selv-realizering” in Norwegian; a continuing process of recognising that the self is not limited to the person but extends to all the intermeshed processes in the world within which our minds and bodies live. Naess: “Not saving the rain-forest, but saving that part of yourself which is the rain-forest”. Another term Naess uses is “wide identification”: one must at least extend one’s sphere of concern to non-human beings, ideally to all forms of living and non-living entities. Naess: “The focus is on single living beings. The whole has intrinsic value…. We have respect for wholes; we identify with individuals”.

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, הטבע, 3. איזון עם הטבע


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