Dr. David Suzuki

פורסם: 21.02.12, 3:37 am

Field of reference: Biology

Description: We live in man-made environments, which makes us forget our complete dependence on nature. From his book "From Naked Ape to Superspecies"

"In my opinion, no more destructive belief exists than the idea that we have escaped the constraints imposed by nature on all other species. We assume that by enabling us to exploit and alter our surroundings, our intellect has freed us from dependence on specific habitats. We believe we are no longer part of nature, because we have acquired the ability to control and manage the forces impinging on us. This illusion of escape from nature has been reinforced by our extraordinary transformation in this century from country dwellers to city dwellers. In an urban setting, we live in a human-created environment, surrounded by other people plus a few domesticated plants and animals, as well as the pests that have overcome our defenses. Living among such a dearth of species, we no longer recognise our dependence on the rest of life for our well-being and our very survival. It is simpler to assume that the economy delivers our food, clean air, water and energy and takes away our sewage and waste. We forget that the Earth itself provides all these services, and so makes economists and the economy possible. We are biological beings, as dependent on the biosphere as any other life form and we forget our animal nature at our peril."

Link to the book

The author

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, הטבע, 3. איזון עם הטבע


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