Dr. David H. Maister

פורסם: 21.02.12, 12:34 pm

Field of reference: Economics

Description: Envy plays a central role in motivating CEOs, academicians etc.

"CEOs with obscene paypackets are unhappy until they have matched what is considered "normal" among other CEOs. Lawyers from modest beginnings, making more than a million dollars a year or more, can get depressed and resentful because they are not earning what investment bankers earn.The issue is not just about money, but many forms of the world's rewards and recognitions. Academics and other authors can be (and are) jealous the (non-monetary) respect and recognition that is accorded to their (perceived) competitors' work. Socially, in their personal lives, people are always playing the game of "keeping up with the Jones':" being content with what they've got, until their neighbor has more.We concluded from this research that among economics majors in the lab and hunter-gatherers in the forest, contributing to the success of a joint project for the benefit of one's group, even at a personal cost, evokes feelings of satisfaction and pride. Failing to do so is often a source of shame or guilt. Cooperation thus is sustained by altruistic motivations that induce people to help others when not helping would result in their having higher fitness or other material rewards."

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, התפתחות האגו, 3. קנאה וכבוד


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