Janine Benyus

פורסם: 21.02.12, 10:03 am

Field of reference: Biology

Description: Rules of nature

"The science of biomimicry provides designers with a framework. In her book, Benyus offers the following nine basic laws of the circle of life, all of which resonate throughout her work and that of other biomimics.
• Nature runs on sunlight
• Nature uses only the energy it needs
• Nature fits form to function
• Nature recycles everything
• Nature rewards cooperation
• Nature banks on diversity
• Nature demands local expertise
• Nature curbs excesses from within
• Nature taps the power of limits
(Benyus, 2002, p.7)"

Link to the book review - pdf

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, הטבע, 3. איזון עם הטבע


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