Dr. Nicholas Christiakis

פורסם: 17.02.12, 7:55 am

Field of reference: Sociology

Description: TED Talk, network science shows the effects of inherent interconnections between people

"New properties emerge because of our embeddedness in social networks and these properties inhere, in the structure of the networks, not just in the individuals within them. So think about these two objects (Graphite in a pencil, A diamond).
They're both made of carbon. And yet, one of them has carbon atoms arranged in one particular way, and you get graphite, which is soft and dark.But if you take the same atoms and interconnect them a different way, you get diamond, which is clear and hard.
And those properties of softness and hardness and hardness and clearness do not reside in the carbon atoms. They reside in the interconnections between the carbon atoms, or at least, arise because of the interconnections between the carbon atoms.So similarly, the pattern of connections among people, confers among people, groups of people, different properties.It is the ties between people that makes the whole greater than the sum of its parts."

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, הטבע, 1. רמת קשר


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