Dr. Martin Nowak

פורסם: 11.02.12, 1:07 am

Field of reference: Psychology, Sociology

Description: Using the power of reputation to facilitate public good

“The public goods game gives us an opportunity to explore interventions that encourage  cooperation. Experiments have shown, for example, that making each player’s contribution public can sustain contributions at a high level. It appears that the benefit of earning a good name outweighs the costs of doing your part for the greater good, and even selfish people can be motivated to care. It is worth contributing in order to protect your standing in the community.

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, השפעת הסביבה, 2. סביבה מחברת


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