Dr. Ruut Veenhoven

פורסם: 10.02.12, 2:35 pm

Field of reference: Psychology

Description: We cannot be satisfied, and thus we remain unhappy. Also, we may want things that are bad for us because of environmental influence

"happiness depends on mental constructs rather than on the realities of life. People can be unhappy in perfect conditions because they want more, and be happy in misery because they acquiesce. Lasting happiness is again unlikely because any improvement is overhauled by a rise in aspirations. At best we can try to slow down such adjustments by preaching modesty

Standards of comparison are individual mental constructs which do not necessarily fit any real requirements for a good life. People may want things that are actually bad for them and fail to want that they in fact need. This is especially likely if propaganda and fashion seduce them to reach out for the wrong things."

Link to the academic paper

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שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, השפעת הסביבה, 1. הרגל טבע שני


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