Paddy Ashdown

פורסם: 1.02.12, 12:43 am

Field of reference: Politics

Description: TED talk about the newly formed interdependence of people and nations

 "If you get Swine Flu in Mexico, it's a problem for Charles De Gaul Airport 24 hours later. Lehman Brothers goes down - the whole lot collapses. There are fires in the steppes of Russia - food riots in africa. We are all now deeply, deeply, deeply interconnected."

 "If it is the case that we are now locked together in a way that has never been quite the same before, then it is also the case that we share a destiny with each other. Suddenly, and for the very first time Collective Defense, the thing that has dominated us as the concept of securing our nations is no longer enough. It used to be the case that if my tribe is more powerful than their tribe, I was safe. My country was more powerful than their country, I was safe. My alliance, like NATO, was more powerful than their alliance, I was safe.
It is no longer the case. The advent of interconnectedness and of the weapons of mass destruction means that increasingly, I share a destiny with my enemy."

 "When I was a diplomat negotiating the disarmament treaties with the Soviet Union, in Geneva in the 1970s, we succeeded because we understood that we shared a destiny with them. Collective security is not enough. Peace has come to Northern Ireland because both sides realized that the zero-sum game couldn't work. they shared a destiny with their enemies. One of the great barriers to peace in the Middle East is that both side, both Israel, and I think the Palestinians do not understand that they share a collective destiny."

Link to the video

שייך לנושאים: 1-13 - חינוך אינטגרלי, -מקורות מדעיים, תלות הדדית, 2. התחשבות זה בזה


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